Those of us with children know that the first one is trial and error... you do your best, but sometimes look back and think of things you could have done differently. When #2 comes along, you adjust based on how they went with the first...
Well, saying goodbye to the bottle is one of the things I am choosing to do differently this time around. Brooklyn had hers until she was 20 months and it was SO HARD to get her off of them. She associated milk with a bottle and juice with a cup and absolutely refused to drink milk out of a cup. It got to the point where she was dehydrated and not going potty because she just wouldn't drink. And since she was older and talking, she would argue with me about it and would cry for a bottle. Of course she got over it and eventually drank milk from a cup, but it was a battle I don't want to do again.
This guy is turning one next week so I thought I'd start weening him from the bottle!
It's actually going very well. I don't give him juice yet, so he doesn't have that association of flavored things in a cup. He's only had water in the cup before. He's always trying to steal Brooklyn's so I figured it was worth a shot switching him over.
I'm still giving him his bedtime milk in a bottle for now, but the rest of the day, it's strictly from a cup. And for the most part, he's drinking about the same amount, it's just broken up a bit throughout the day. I think this just might work!!!! Yeay! I'm very excited to get the bottles packed away!
And since he didn't really care for a binky, that was put away when he was just a few months old. Binkies were another hard one to break with Brooklyn, so I'm glad we don't have to go there with Trenton!
10 years ago
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