Monday, May 18, 2009

6 Months Old Already

Wow... I cannot believe Brooklyn is 6 months old already. Just where did the time go???

Well, we've begun solid food in the Bucy household. Here was our first attempt at rice cereal.

Brooklyn wasn't too sure about eating off a spoon. She wasn't really getting the hang of it and just kept pulling away from me.

Then she resorted to just giving me dirty looks:

A few days later, we tried applesauce. That went over a tad better than the rice cereal. I think she ended up wearing most of it on her face though.

And when she was done, in came Bailee to lick it off her hands and the highchair tray. This is only the beginning... Bailee is about to become her best friend (just so she can pick up all the scraps that end up on the floor I think).

Here are a few random shots. I just love her face on this one. I guess she had to show off a bit due to the shirt she was wearing "When God made me, he was showing off"

We're practicing sitting up too. She does pretty well when she's propped against something. Maybe one of these days she'll do it on her own.

Crazy hair.

Trying on her cousin's sunglasses:

Yesterday we spent the afternoon with Kurt's mom and played in her pool all day.

Brooklyn loves swimming. She kicks her little legs and moves her arms all around. She even dips her face in the water by herself.

Daddy and Brooklyn:

So much fun:

Kurt's mom's pool was so much clearer than my brother's last week, so we thought we'd try the underwater pictures again with my camera. This shot was taken under water looking up. You could see my hands and Brooklyn's arms under water, and then the reflection of her face that was out of the water. It looks funny!

I took this one. I was under water looking up. It looks so abstract. I love it!

This one made it look like she was swimming completely underwater, but her head was out.

Oh, and here's me:

Brooklyn catching some rays.

And when it was all said and done, Brooklyn was wore out. We didn't even have to try and get her to go down for a nap. As soon as she had her binky and her bunny, she was out cold.

Tomorrow we head out for another trip to Colorado. I can't wait to get out of the heat for the next week!!!


barbafamily said...

Oh my goodness - she is 6 months old already! Where does the time go? I love all the pictures - she is so adorable!

Palmer family said...

I love Brooklyn's bathing suit! I don't know why but I just love taking babies to the pool and watch them in the water. I also love all your highchair pictures....those are always fun to take as well as look back on! Fun times.

Anonymous said...

cum tastes better than cereal right baby girl