This is the time of year all us Arizonans look forward to. It means we get to spend MUCH more time outside because the weather is beautiful.
Thursday I took the kids for a walk with the intention of ending up at the park. We were almost there (about a mile away from the house) and it started pouring so we had to turn around. I ran as fast as I could to get us home and dry. Every time I'd slow down to catch my breath, Brooklyn would yell "Rapido Mommy, Rapido." She's my Miss Priss and was upset because her hair was wet, her legs were wet, her cup was wet, etc. Trenton didn't even make a peep, just looked up at me like "Hey, what's going on here?"
So, Friday there was not a cloud in the sky so we decided to try it again.
This is how the kids like to "walk" Bailee. Her leash is hooked onto the handle of the stroller, but they both feel the need to hold onto it the entire time.
We made it to the park! Yeay! Brooklyn wanted to play on the monkey bars and asked if I could lift her. She said she had big muscles to hold on tight.
I absolutely LOVE her face on this one. She's concentrating so hard and doesn't want to let go. She really does have strong muscles :)
We have done some type of activity outdoors every day this week. I think Trenton is used to it now. Since it was so nice out, we have had the doors open and he thinks it's an invitation to go out and play. I always find him pounding on the front door wanting to go out!
Digging in the backyard. He is completely opposite of Brooklyn. She doesn't like to get dirty, but this guy will sit in the rocks and play all day.
And yes, he was trying to eat rocks and dirt.
A dirty face always means you had fun, right?
This picture cracks me up. He walks in circles all day around the couch and the kitchen island. I lost count how many laps he makes now. And most of the time has this play phone up to his ear and jabbers. I don't know who he's talking to, but he sure is happy.
I wanted to get a picture of these two all dressed up for church. This is our typical family. I wanted them to pose for me, Brooklyn's running off in one direction and Trenton is pointing at the camera (probably telling her to come back.)
OK, that's a little better. Say cheese!
We're looking forward to another fun week ahead. I think there will be more trips to the park, bike rides, walks, backyard fun, etc. We LOVE this weather!
10 years ago
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