I love being home with the kids on a daily basis. They are both constantly making me laugh. Brooklyn got this new puppy dog for Christmas and is always taking him for a walk around the house and playing with him. The other day I hear this cute little voice "Doggie needs a drink too" and here is what I found. She's such a goof.
She had to comb doggies hair with her comb.
I took both kids out running errands the other day and of course Trenton fell asleep in the truck on the way home. I was unloading them and noticed his hand gripped onto the carseat for dear life. I had to run in and get the camera since it was cute.
I set him on the table when we got in the house and he was still passed out. A half hour later I checked on him and his hand was still gripping the handle. I guess he didn't want to go anywhere. So cute!
This kid is rolling all over the place. Every time he's playing on the floor he just flips right over and gives himself some tummy time! I'll help him flip back and he pretty much immediately turns back over. He's having fun!
Brooklyn got some new blocks from our friends for Christmas. She is constantly telling us she wants to build a tower. Daddy helped her with this big one! She was so proud.
These are size 12 month jammies on my 4 month boy! I don't know who comes up with the sizing on these things. I know he's a big boy, but he's not the size of a 12 month old!
Brooklyn has come up with another use for our treadmill downstairs. It's a swing!
Complete with noises. Either "weeeeee" or "I'm a monkey, oo oo ah ah"
Taking a bite of dragon fly.
I pulled out the video camera a little too late yesterday. Brooklyn had me laughing so hard. She was running through the house so fast saying "My hair is windy". It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about... Since she was running so fast it was making her hair blow like in the wind. I would have loved to catch that on film.
Being a mother is the best job out there. I couldn't imagine life without these two. They are constantly making me laugh!
10 years ago
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