Monday, August 11, 2008


Oh, it's just Kurt grouting the tile in the bathroom. What did you think it looked like? :)

I couldn't resist posting this. Although it's a nice light pretty color when it dries, the grout looks like he's playing in poo when he's doing it. And it was even worse when I came around the corner and saw this in the bathroom. I thought it was funny! Good thing it's only grout!!!!


Kenyon said...

That does look pretty grose! He is doing SO many things to your house right now, how awesome. Good job Kurt! I think maybe HE is going through the nesting stage :)

Heather Weir said...

Your so funny. Looks like Kurt is getting the floor done though. I love that you have a picture of your Expanding Family. and I love the name Brooklyn. I'm so happy for you. I hope to see you at Melissa's baby shower.