Thursday, July 17, 2008

Floor Update

OK... the floor is not quite finished yet as planned. Kurt is doing a WONDERFUL job though. It's really looking fantastic. I am very pleased so far. I am so impressed with what he's done. It has totally changed the look of our house. I absolutely love it! Here are a few of the in-between shots to give you an idea. Should be finished hopefully in the next few weeks! Keep your fingers crossed for me :)

This was taken the first day Kurt actually started laying the tile.

I just had to include this shot. It seemed like every day I came home the refrigerator was in a different spot. It was cracking me up. I'm happy to report that the kitchen is complete now, grout and all... so the fridge is back where it belongs.

It's coming along. This room is also finished now too. It was the biggest room and the easiest since he could lay full tiles instead of having to cut each piece.

Here is "supervisor" Bailee making sure Kurt did a good job... Little to the right she says! :)

And after a hard day's work, she's always up for a nap. It's tough being the boss!

Final pics will be up in a few weeks. Thanks Kurt for all your hard work!


barbafamily said...

It's looking SO nice! Kurt is doing a great job! I love the picture of Bailee supervising :-) Hope you're feeling well :-)

Heather Weir said...

Its looking Great! You'll have to have us over when you have a finished product. Home transformations are hard. Trust me. at least you have a supervisor... thats so cute. I just love your dog.