Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tummy Time

I put Trenton on his little tummy time mat so he could lift his head and play. He actually liked it. Brooklyn used to hate tummy time when she was a baby.

But of course now whatever Trenton does, Brooklyn has to do too. She used the bigger Boppy pillow and had to have a mat underneath her too. She's so silly.

I don't know who was having more fun!

When Trenton started getting mad, I flipped him over on his back... so of course that's what Brooklyn had to do too. But first, Minnie needed play time as well. And no, I was not the one who staged this picture, it was all Brooklyn.

Then she had to "rest". Don't you love her resting face?

Of course you need a blanket to rest. (or a play mat pretending to be a blanket)

All this playing made for sleepy eyes on my little man.

These two are so much fun!