Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Turkey day! Except for the fact that Kurt was still sick and didn't celebrate with us. He didn't want to pass his germs to everyone else. You know he doesn't feel good if he skips out on a good meal! :)

Silly me though, I didn't really take many pictures. You'd think I'd know better than that by now!

My uncle gave Brooklyn her first sucker while I wasn't looking. She LOVED it! We don't really give her sugar yet, so of course she jumps at the chance when someone else spoils her!

She knew exactly what to do with it too!

Yummy! She only got to lick it for a few minutes before Grandma snatched it away. She sure enjoyed it though!

Me and Brooklyn Thanksgiving morning. She hates it when I mess with her hair, but daddy held her down for me so I could put in some pigtails. She looked so cute! I don't know why she throws such a fit when I try and make her hair pretty. She better get over that soon!

I just had to throw this picture in too. I've been working really hard at losing my baby weight, but since it's so gradual, I don't realize what I've accomplished.... until I looked at this picture from Easter this year. Wow, that is a big difference!

I hit my original goal of dropping the weight I gained while pregnant, but I still have a way to go to reach my next goal. Realizing that I've accomplished this much already makes it easier to stay focused though!


Angie said...

It has always been so difficult to do Ashlyn's hair also! It is frustrating, she is better than she used to be though so hopefully it will get better for you too:) Congrats on the weight loss, you look great:)

Tawni said...

Wow, you look awesome! Way to go chica!