Saturday, January 28, 2012

Color Run 2012

My family participated in a 5K race at Tempe Beach Park today! Well, most of us walked it. My mom even got in on the action!!! Way to go! It was just over 3 miles... and what a beautiful day for it! I got a little extra workout pushing 60 pounds worth of kids up hills and through sand and grass...

This picture is totally out of order, but I just got it from my mother in law and it was so neat I had to include it... This was one of the color throws at the finish line. What an amazing shot!!!

Here's me and mom at the start!

We did this to support Sage. Her school sponsored a team in the Color Run. All proceeds from this run went to Cardon Children's Hospital, which is where she has spent quite a bit of time lately.

Here's Sage and the kids all squeaky clean before the race.

Tanner was ready to go with cool hair and everything!

Look at all that white! From what I understand, there were over 6000 people registered. It was packed.

My mother in law, sister in law and her husband at the start...

Check out this guy... he was wearing a pink bikini while running! There were some CRAZY outfits there.

This was the first color station. They had them set up at every 1K marker, each a different color. Brooklyn was freaking out about getting paint on her so I brought a sheet to cover the stroller. Besides, I didn't want paint all over my stroller. Too bad the sheet didn't help much and I had to clean it anyway :)

Trenton with a cheesy grin showing off his paint. He didn't seem to mind getting colored!

This is what we looked like when we finished!

Kurt's mom, sister and brother in law... "After" shot! I love it!

And just for the record... Grandma and the Pregnant Chick did NOT finish last! We weren't fast or anything... but we didn't come in last! We rock!!!

Check out my mom... This is a good look for her! :)

Sage all colored out!

Sage and Trenton having fun...

This boy was such a mess! He looks like an orphan! You should have seen the bathtub when he and Brooklyn were finished! The water was completely purple.

Everybody had such a good time! This wasn't my first 5K, but it was a first with messy paint! We just might have to participate in this one again next year. It was so much fun! Thanks again to everyone who came out to support Sage's team!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Slow Month...

After being so busy over the holidays, things have kind of slowed down a bit this month. That's quite alright with me though! We've been spending a lot of time outside since it's been so beautiful.

Here's Brooklyn and Bailee. She LOVES to help walk Bailee. And Bailee is such a good sport to cooperate :)

Trenton had wanted to play in the backyard one afternoon this week and I told him he didn't have any shoes on so he walked around the house saying "shoes shoes" and found one of them. He was trying to put it on by himself. Sorry buddy, you're not quite that coordinated yet. Mommy helped him out though so he could go play!

We visited Tanner and he showed us his cool new sled. These three had to test it out to make sure it worked good. They were getting in some practice so they'll know just what to do when we head to CO for our winter vacation!

Trenton's hair grows just as fast as his Daddy's. Auntie Heidi said he needed a trim to take care of the hair growing over his ears :) He didn't sit very still last time and ended up really crooked, so we figured out the trick this time around... a lollipop. He could care less what was going on with scissors and clippers once he had that candy! Look how handsome he is!

Brooklyn's battle wound of the week. Good thing we weren't planning pictures any time soon. This one is a doozy! And if you ask her what happened, she'll tell you the truth... "I got an owie on my nose when I was jumping on my bed."

Hmmm, I wonder why Mommy is always telling her no jumping on the bed!

This was at one of our trips to the park. Trenton makes me laugh. He wants to do everything by himself now. He climbs up the stairs, over the bridge and down the slide... then does it all over again. Of course once I had the video going he was a little shy with the slide, but oh well... you get the idea. He is getting so big!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Silly Kids...

These first few pictures were actually taken a couple weeks ago, I just never got around to posting them. I peeked in on Brooklyn one night and she was wearing a snow hat. I guess to keep her warm? Who knows! She looks like she's about to fall out of bed too :)

This was during nap time. I had gone in to wake her up because it was getting too late. She wasn't in her bed and all I saw was this big blob on the floor.

I lifted up the edge of the comforter and found her completely passed out sleeping in her baby doll's play pen. I don't even know how she fits in that thing. It can't be comfortable!

Love the startled look on her face when I woke her. She is such a goof ball...

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sure make for a messy lunch! But, Mmmm, so tasty!

Trenton has been feeding himself for quite a while now, but I still liked helping him with the messy stuff... yogurt, applesauce, etc. Well, he's decided that he's too big for Mommy's help and will only do it himself. He sure makes a mess. We usually have to change shirts when he's done!

What does it mean when the toy bin is empty?

It means the kids are having fun! :) Nothing like making a big pile of toys to play in! I've been sick this week so we haven't really left the house much. The kids have gotten in lots of Disney movies and toy time.

Had to throw this one in... She looks so serious when she talks on the phone. Grandpa had called to see what she was doing.

And I haven't had a belly pic in a while so had to throw one of those in...

26 weeks already!

I can't believe I only have 13 weeks left. This pregnancy sure is flying by. I really don't have any complaints either. It's been easy like the other two! I'm starting to hit the uncomfortable phase at night and don't get as much sleep as I'd like, but hey... I look at that as God's way of preparing me for having an infant in the house again :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Great Day For A Hike

My dad called this morning and was in the mood to go for a hike. Boy was that a good idea. We had so much fun!

Trenton got all loaded up in the backpack. He was riding in style! (and with his weight and the pack, it added at least 40 pounds to Kurt's hike). That's a good way to get him in shape!

We went to Silly Mountain out by our house. It's been a while since I've hiked. We usually go to the top peak, but with the kids along, we just went to the lower one and back. It was still a great workout!

Brooklyn walking up like a big girl with Grandpa.

When her little legs needed a break... this was how she traveled. She likes Grandpa's shoulders. Now all 3 of us got to carry a kid up the mountain... Kurt with Trenton, Grandpa with Brooklyn, and me with Little One :)

Taking a little rest! She sure is cute!

This is my favorite picture from the day! Look at that smile. Do you think he was having fun or what?

Grandpa brought us Subway for lunch and we had a picnic in the rocks. Brooklyn looked around and said we could see EVERYTHING from way up here. She was right... We could even see Phoenix!

Had to get a family picture. And proof that a pregnant girl can make it on the hike too! :)

We're going to have to do that more often. It's a great way to get in some exercise while having fun at the same time! And the kids are getting to an age where they had a blast too!