Sunday, January 27, 2008

Working on my Goal

OK, so one of the hardest things for me to do is lose weight... I've tried just about everything. I don't want to lose it through a fad diet though, because I won't be able to keep it off. So it's healthy food choices and lots of exercise this time. This photo shows one of the spare rooms in our house. We turned it into a workout room last summer since we never really had overnight guests in the spare anyway. I love being able to wake up in the morning and hit my own "gym".

Those bubble things (Bosu trainers) are so much fun too. I got them for Christmas. I'm finally getting to the point where I'm not losing my balance and falling off every time. And Kurt got me a heart rate monitor so I can be more accountable. That thing tells me when I'm not working hard enough, or pushing too hard. At the end of my workouts, it tells me how many calories I've burned and what my average heart rate was. I just love it.

I've only lost 4.4 pounds since I began my routine... but it's a start. I'm shooting for another 35. It's going to be hard for me. I've struggled with my weight my whole life, but I'm going to give it my best shot! I really need to drop some weight before getting pregnant too, which will hopefully happen this year! I just need to stay positive.


Melinda said...

good luck and stick with even though it's not fun! I'm trying to loose a little too. I'm in my brother's wedding in Sept. strapless dress ahhh! Melinda~

Michelle said...

Shannon!! It's so wonderful to see your blog again! I've slacked-anyway you have great self-discipline and i know you'll hit any goal you set! Healthy is always the way to go! Love ya!

Kenyon said...

You can do it, and congratts on the 4 1/2 pounds. Trust me I know its not easy, I gained 65 w/ Saylor and am still working off the last 10. I agree about the fad diets. I just find an excercise that I fall in love with, so that I enjoy it ( most of the time ) :) Everyday I try the best I can to eat as healthy as possible...somedays I succeed and some I dont, but I just never stop trying. I try to think of it as a lifetime way of living, and just treat my body w/ appreciation and gratitude for all it does for me. Anyway, it is NOT easy, but you can do it. Love ya

Linae said...

GO Shannon! You are motivating me! You are adorable and the more I know you the more I love you!

Heather Weir said...

Way to go on the 4 lbs. Thats a great start. I'll bet it does help having a gym in the house. I'd work out more if I had things at home. You can do it. and yes it is much better to be at a lower weight before getting pregnant. My getting married helped me gain 20 lbs then getting pregnant its ridiculus. Anyway. Keep up the good work! we're all here for you!

Erika Amezquita said...

That is so awesome! It's good that your approaching weight loss in a healthy way, and they say it's better to loose a little at a time instead of a whole bunch of weight right away. Pretty soon though, you'll have to convert your gym room to a baby room! I just know you're going to bring us the great news really soon ;o)